In Vis Align

Invisalign Treatment in Canton, MI

What is Invisalign?
Invisalign is a brand of plastic transparent braces that are used often as an alternative to traditional braces. Invisalign uses its own proprietary blend of plastics and ingredients to create individualized molds for each patient using the aligners. The Invisalign aligners then apply the right amount of pressure to various areas of your teeth to help move them closer to one another for a more perfect smile.

Who Can Use Invisalign?
Invisalign is not only optimal for adults, but it is also a viable option for children and teens who are already qualified candidates for traditional braces. Invisalign is ideal for those who have a healthy mouth and gums and do not have any underlying conditions or dental diseases. close up photograph of a smile with invisalign

Is Invisalign Healthy for the Mouth and Gums?
The short answer is yes. Invisalign is healthy for the mouth and gums as the aligners themselves can be removed and cleaned with ease, which is much different than when using traditional braces. With Invisalign, you can quickly remove the aligners as necessary for deeper cleaning of your teeth and gums at any time. Whenever your aligners are in, you can easily remove them to adjust or rinse them for optimal dental and oral health.

What are the Benefits of Using Invisalign?
Using Invisalign over traditional braces in Peachtree City, GA can help you to achieve the smile you desire without all of the hassles that come with traditional metal braces. Some of the most notable benefits of using Invisalign that stand out include:

  • Easy cleaning: Traditional braces are a semi-permanent fixture in the mouth, making it difficult to clean all surrounding areas, cracks, and crevices of your mouth. With Invisalign aligners, simply remove the aligners to clean them directly as well as the rest of your mouth and teeth.
  • Fewer adjustments: When adjusting to new braces, it is often reported as a painful and/or unpleasant experience, especially when it comes to eating and chewing foods. With Invisalign, skip the pain and discomfort as you can quickly adjust to eating your favorite foods without much difference.
  • Safety: Using Invisalign is safe for children as young as 8 with adult supervision and medical recommendation.

For more information on Invisalign and how it can straighten your smile, call Simply Dentistry in Canton, MI at (734) 407-7900 today.

Contact Us

5800 N. Lilley Rd. Canton, MI 48187